
The library is a comprehensive collection of the cyber related academic literature, industry reports, and News. We try to find a publicly available source for all academic papers, which is, however, not always possible. For industry reports, you might sometimes be prompted to provide details and e-mail, so that these vendors can send you the respective document.

You can see the library in the Web Zotero Group. Zotero is a citation management program that allows the sharing of references (but not the actual PDFs in an open group setting). Please note that:

  1. Some entries are filled under as many as four different categories and appear numerous times in the top-level overview.
  2. While the top-level overview ( features all entries, the lower- level categories do not show the aggregated contents of its sub-folders (e.g. 1. Cyber-Risk, … does not show the entries of 1.1, 1.2 …). To see all entries of a given category, go directly to the lowest level.

1. Cyber-Risk, Re-/Insurance, -ILS, -Modelling

In the first category, you can find all information on cyber risk quantification, cyber insurance, cyber risk modelling, and the cyber ILS market.

1.1 Cyber-Damages & Cyber Insurance Market contains figures and statistics on cyber damages and insurance. It has three subfolders:

1.1.1 Cyber-Damage and Claim Statistics contains mostly descriptive content about cyber damages and claims statistics.

1.1.2 Cyber-Insurance Market Figures & Statistics contains figures about the cyber insurance market. There is an overlap with 1.1.1 for claims-related figures.

1.1.3 Studies, Strategic Papers, Market Development, Misc. contains strategic and holistic approaches to cyber, including market trends and discussions of barriers that slow down the growth of the cyber risk transfer market, for example, the uncertainty during the underwriting process.

1.2 Cyber-Risk Modelling contains all approaches to model cyber risk, from academic papers to whitepapers. It has six subfolders, of which the first four contain different approaches to modeling cyber.

1.2.1 Probabilistic Models contain papers that fit or model damages based on probabilistic distributions.

1.2.2 Scenario/Catastrophe Analysis analyzes possible cyber catastrophe events, like the outage of a major cloud provider or a widespread ransomware attack, and its resulting damages.

1.2.3 Network/Node Models are based on modeling that uses atomic nodes or a similar approach to model cyber damages in the same way pandemics are modeled, with each node having a certain probability of infecting other connected nodes.

1.2.4 Cyber-ILS Modelling & Models contains the modeling of higher cyber risk transfers via reinsurance or insurance-linked securities (ILS).

1.2.5 Silent Cyber contains the literature and industry reports on silent cyber.

1.2.6 Frameworks, Studies, Misc. contains strategic papers, frameworks, and discussions on the modeling of cyber.

1.3 Legal & Wordings contains all content related to legal aspects of cyber-crime, insurance law, and court decisions.

1.4 Research Direction & History contain all information on the past and future direction of cyber risk quantification research.

1.5 Related Literature & Misc. contains related literature, like modeling approaches of different risks or global risk rankings.

2. Cyber-Security Literature

Under Cyber Security, we collect all content that is related to cyber security in a non-quantitative way. Especially for industry reports, we advise to also have a look at the Cyentia CyberSecurity Research Library, which provides additional up-to-date industry reports.

2.1 ICT & Cyber Market lists reports and News on the global market for information and communications technology (ICT, basically all computers) and the cyber security market.

2.2 Threat Statistics & Intelligence predominantly industry reports on the current cyber threat environment. There is an overlap with 1.1.1 Cyber-Damages & -Claims Statistics.

2.3 Threat Modelling contains all reports and frameworks for modeling threats. In contrast to the content of 1.2 Cyber Risk Modeling these are, usually not quantitative, at least not in the sense of cyber damages distributions.

2.4 IT-Maturity & -Readiness Studies feature reports that look at the cyber maturity of firms and industry sectors.

2.5 Related Literature & Misc. contains all other cyber security-related resources.

3. Datasets

Our dataset collection gives you an overview of the currently available datasets on cyber, free ones as well as premium ones.

3.1 Cyber-Damages/-breaches/-Incidents Dataset provides you with websites, reports, and papers on cyber damages and economic losses.

3.2 Cyber-Security Datasets contain pure cyber-security datasets, for example, leaked password databases.

3.3 Accompanying Papers/Reports contains papers and industry reports that are associated with a dataset from 3.1 or 3.2.

3.4 Datasources /-bases & Metalists consists of all other lists and libraries of data or data sources for cyber.

3.5 Commercial Databases list all commercial databases and subscription services.

3.6 Misc. lists all other databases and -sources.

4. News

Under News we store media articles, announcements, and similar content in various categories.